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Frequently Asked Questions

Who presents these courses?

Each session is lead facilitated by Bruce Whitehead. Bruce is a former Police Prosecutor, WorkCover Prosecutor and owner of a national risk management consultancy. Bruce specialises exclusively in the Mock Court programs and has delivered more than 1000 over the past 15 years.

The second presenter (who normally plays the defence lawyer role) are former lawyers and prosecutors who Bruce has worked with for many years.

How much time do you need to set up a session?

4 weeks is usually enough. It depends whether we are customising the program and court room availability if you choose to opt for that (recommended).

Do clients usually opt for a court room?

Yes – about 80% of clients. We appreciate this is not always possible, but it certainly adds value to the program. Half day costs range from $150 – $990.

Do you train all over Australia?

Yes – we have also worked in NZ, US, some parts of Asia and are looking to expand into the UK.

How much does it cost?

It depends on where we train, to how many people, number of sessions, customisation (if required) etc. I would suggest you make contact with us via this page. Alternatively, please give us a call on (02) 8912 2162.

How many people can we put in each session?

Course sizes are typically 25-30, and it can be dependent on court room capacity too. We can accomodate larger groups and we do present regularly at conferences.

Won’t this undermine our internal compliance training?

No, quite the contrary. We’ll work with you to identify key sticking points prior to our session so we can ensure everything we focus on is aligned with, and indeed reinforces, your internal efforts.

How will I know that my team will take this seriously?

I’m often asked if the courtroom setting is just a gimmick… Once you’re inside the chambers, it becomes clear that this is not the case. Whilst there is a novelty associated with getting the team out of the office and into the courthouse, this change of scenery acts as a powerful pattern interrupt that allows us to capture attention and challenge even the most unmalleable attitudes.

Will this make me look bad?

Not at all – we’re on your side. In our experience, non-compliance often occurs despite the best efforts of HR and compliance professionals. No matter what the organisation, it always amazes me how often my clients say: “I need someone else to tell them. They are not listening to me.” During your mock court session, we’ll reinforce your efforts and have you cheering from the sidelines!

How long does each mock court last?

Mock courts are broken into 3 or 4 sessions depending on what you would like to achieve…

Session One

The Opening provides participants with critical distinctions and concepts acquired from over 20 years prosecuting or consulting to, many of Australia’s largest employers. This 60-minute session sets the stage for what is to follow next in the Mock Court.

Session Two

The Mock Court is an interactive simulation of an actual court case. This entertaining 60 minute session cross-examines 3 witness volunteers to highlight the types of practical and legal risks that leave you vulnerable to serious consequences.

Session Three

The Debrief follows the handing down of the Judge’s Verdict. Role Players are invited to share what they took away from the experience and confirm the lessons they have learnt. The Jury are also walked through the elements of the Verdict to embed key principles. (30 minutes)

Session Four – Optional

The Compliance Accelerator Workshop is a natural extension of the Mock Court. Through targeted questioning, we facilitate collaborative discussion to identify high-value actionable improvements specific to your workplace. (Budget for 3 hours)

What outcomes can we expect?

Training should ideally be more than just understanding and retention. And for compliance in particular, it must affirm preferred behaviours and inspire change. Change that is not only understood in classroom theory, but change people are prepared to implement in their actual working day.

Meaningful follow through is strongly linked to the emotional impact of the training. This is where I feel our Mock Courts stand out the most. And by simulating an actual court case, vulnerabilities exposed in real time, sweat pouring off the brow – we start to make a dent. Because those in attendance start to internalize their “why” and viscerally feel the need to incite behavioural change.

Just one of these takeaway messages with one person may influence how they behave in 10 different ways, every week. This may then impact or influence others – particularly if they hold a position of leverage such as a supervisor or manager. The compound effect can be staggering here!

(Our proposals include many unsolicited client testimonials to show you how they are received.)

I love it... how can I convince my team this is a good idea?

You will not have to. The idea of going to Court appeals to almost everybody and I find people show up with a real sense of anticipation.

Have you worked with organisations like mine?

We work with organisations of all shapes and sizes from around the country, including: Federal, State and Local Government, Coles, Leightons, Seymour Whyte, ANSTO, SAI-Global, Brookfield, Swick Mining, Innovia Security, Westpac, Commonwealth Bank, KFC, Snowy Hydro, Fitness First, Baxter Healthcare just to name a few.

If compliance is critically important for success in your business or industry, chances are we’ve worked with an organisation in your position.

To find out if we’re a fit to work together, simply Contact Us.

You don’t know our business, how could you possibly help?

You’re right… I don’t know your business – yet. That said, I have 20 years of legal and practical experience in the field, I have overseen the delivery of more than $30M in consulting services, I have personally facilitated over 1000 mock courts, and prosecuted 100’s of companies for statutory breaches. In other words, I’m extremely familiar with the challenges faced by organisations like yours and I’ll quickly be able to get up to speed when we connect.

What Others Are Saying About Mock Court

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“It Definately Made People Think and Act”

"Thank you for such great sessions with our staff. The corridor conversations after each session have been fantastic to hear, it definitely made people think and act."

Katrina Keep, ACT Health

“Absolutely Blown Away”

I was absolutely blown away and cannot thank you enough for providing us with this experience...

Scott Plester, Ventia

“Very Compelling and Entertaining”

I've never had such excellent feedback from staff about WHS training! You have managed to make a dry subject into something very compelling and entertaining."

Alison Port, NSW Government

“A Valuable Experience For All Levels In The Team”

Feedback has been overwhelmingly favourable and unanimous view is that it was a valuable experience for all levels in the team.

Mark Whybro, NSW Fire Brigade

“A Brilliant Demonstration Of How Things Can Escalate”

Thanks so much for the Mock Court Session this morning. It was a brilliant demonstration of how issues can end up escalating if they are not dealt with appropriately and we have already received some brilliant feedback.

Emma Lovesy, Colonial First State